Saturday, September 29, 2018

My thoughts on periods.....yes....periods

Life seems to be run in a multitude of intertwined cycles. Patterns we are blessed or cursed to repeat  that overlap each other as if to distract you from getting ahead of the other. The bills come at a certain point while perhaps not the same timing as your paycheck, school starts and pools close while the pattern of the weather hasn't made its full seasonal shift. It can either be overwhelming or perhaps embraced. I personally seldom find moments to embrace something that causes me such chaos.
       Some of these cycles we've stigmatized in a way to write off their importance. The full moon theory where everyone acts a bit different is treated almost as if it were some sort of myth. While I'm no educated scholar on sociology, psychology or astronomy I have to disagree. I seem to have a strong connection to the idea that this could have scientific evidence to back up the theory.
            Certainly more typically written off is the female cycle. I'm willing to bet I even lost 2 of the 4 people that may read this by even mentioning it. Regardless of your discomfort, I choose to continue for the sake of every crazy bitch out there who deserves not to feel crazy. The average woman holds a multitude of roles in life. Creating an endless maze of these different overlapping cycles and responsibilities. The emotional expectation alone is a weight few of us have the strength to bare every day of the month. It builds and festers each time we compromise our happiness. It gets heavier the more feelings we choose to suppress. It boils and burns inside while we stay in the level headed state of mind we are forced to maintain in order to succeed at all of our many jobs/roles/responsibilities. And then a dramatic bloody overflow of all the emotional burden comes and washes it all away. We're told we're irrational, we're disregarded as if our minds and bodies truly don't exist while we spend 3-7 days in this enlightened state of experiencing everything we've held in for the last 28 days. Everything has a tipping point. Women seem to be amazingly programmed with a distinct time to unload the overburden of life on a regular cycle.
            I don't pretend to fully understand the emotional state of the opposite sex. Men have been regarded for quite some time, if not forever, as the strong and steady gender. The stoic and hardened rock of the home. They are thought to rarely feel the urge to cry, to not overthink or act in emotion. Over time I think some of them have their own sort of programming flaw, not designed by nature but by skewed social standards. To feel is to be shamed. This isn't sustainable and nature doesn't seem to have built in way to fight such densely compressed emotions. There is no designated time to let out the overflow, no hormonal switch that opens that dam briefly. It's truly baffling to me and I feel such pain for those who are so emotionally blocked they can't shed a tear. I would rather bleed for a week and be told everything I feel is bullshit than never be allowed to feel at all.
              So in life's many cycles I will kick and scream. I will fight and flail, and some days i will conform. But at least in the cycle of being a female I will take pride. I will feel truly equipped with a power some aren't lucky enough to have. An electric surge of emotions I am allowed to have. A view into what happens when you're forced to tear down that wall of emotional rules.

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