Monday, October 15, 2018

I Hope its Okay That I'm Still Not Okay

Not ready to forgive and unable to heal, yet with no desire to quit or hold such resentment. I find myself in the exact same place of being unable to trust but wanting to, so badly. Your promises this time, so far, have stayed solid yet I live in fear that one bad day, one disagreement, one bitchy comment will make you remember when I just wasn't worth the effort. The effort itself makes me feel simultaneously worthwhile yet shitty. Someone is trying to make a change for me, trying to show me that I deserve love. But why would anyone have to try, why was I not deserving of effortless love in the first place? What made me first deserving of being disregarded and belittled? I can't tell if my reaction to the enormous pile of festering pain that has built was enough, perhaps too much or just right. If gut feelings are worth anything mine says not enough but I'm too afraid of letting out anymore. I've said all the words I thought I had until I felt I had drained it all out of my system. I cried until I couldn't cry anymore, rested alone and sad, then cried more. I reached out for support, I was held and have been treated with care. But it still hurts. It's not the pain itself, but the inability to make it stop no matter what I try. First powerless in my relationship and now powerless over my own state of mind I start to fill with rage. I bargain with a faceless higher power, "Why?! What could I possibly have done to feel so low?". Recounting every effort I've made on the grandest and smallest scales just to be good enough for everyone. It only makes me angrier. I want to yell it all at you. I want to tell you everything I've done right and how I deserved appreciation for it all. I want to hurtfully scream and break down, fighting my case that I am a necessary person. That I matter and life would not just go on without me. The problem is, I don't fully believe it and you seem to be in a place where you do now. This is the wreckage. While all the efforts to make the pain stop are needed and welcomed I still feel alone walking through my own mind. Ashamed that I can't just smile, that I'm still so on edge. Ashamed that I'm still crying inside and putting on a show on the outside because I don't want you to quit me. I can't let go of the idea that I'm holding it all up, but I know I have to stop.  I have to give this one sided love story a chance at being more rather than writing a lie in my head for your side of it like I have for so long. So many questions remain and swarm. How do I stop holding it up? How do I trust you to fix this? Where do I put all this anger that can't possibly be useful in saving us? I feel grateful in the moment for the changes I already see, and selfish to ask for more yet still I crave answers. I just keep digging at the wound and wondering why it won't heal. 
"We're just toxic together"
"I just think it's stupid" multiple times....
"Of course it was my idea, it's not like you'd suggest anything"
"Where is your ring?"
"Figure it out"
"It's not my fucking problem"
"I know you have a secret" much painful silence...
"Why have you never worn that for me"
"Ask your boyfriend"
.....inappropriately laughing while I cry.....
"I just don't like anything about you anymore"
"You need to have more confidence"
"Get a hobby, or a job, you need to leave more" 
"Well yeah I love you, but only because you gave birth to our kids"
"I appreciate everything you do but it's not like I couldn't just do it myself"
"I'm going to make it better, I promise" (month ago, not now)

None of it healed because up until now it never stopped. 

Friday, October 5, 2018

Final Thoughts on a Wound I Cannot Heal

I want so badly to feel better and my body just won't let go. My mind has been molded into a servant of pain and can't seem to stop trying to compromise it's well being for the contentment of others. Food is the enemy and toxic behaviors are my solace. Smiles are forced while tears are unstoppable. You spend so long thinking if you could just bring to light what is really happening, if you just received a shred of validation then things would heal and quickly. But they don't. If anything the flood of reality pours in. Suddenly you no longer have any culpability in the situation and you know it doesn't fall on you to fix it. Not just feel it but know it. For a moment it's a relief and the painful existence you've been living makes sense, only for a moment. After the initial relief comes the knowledge that you now have to trust the person that brought you down so far to find a way to pick you and their self back up and start over. You find yourself in the midst of a thousand questions. How will they do this? What is their plan? What if they can't and the cycle repeats again? Can I live through it even one more time? Uncovering truths that needed to be seen opens new suspicions showing you a side of yourself you don't want to experience. A less trusting side that can't imagine ever feeling safe or comfortable with the person you adored. All the while holding on to the intense love that no longer seems to make sense. No one has hit me, because I would never allow it. No one has called me degrading names or forced things upon me, because I am on guard and protect myself. But the pain I've encountered I couldn't see coming. It happened slowly and somehow with calculated manipulation that even the person doing it couldn't see. Because sometimes people hurt you and they don't even notice. Sometimes they hurt you and they don't even want to, seemingly with no control. Because of this it goes on for so long that you get lost in the place you let yourself get put. I no longer know who I am and I've been wandering through this place, lost and scared, completely by myself for what seems like an eternity. I don't choose to dwell, I don't want to cry or get angry. I don't even want to have to assign blame. I just no longer have a choice. As if my mind and my body had a private meeting, perhaps while I slept, and they decided it's time to crumble because there's no where else to go. My hands tremble, everything tastes like shit, I smoke cigarette after cigarette watching each puff of smoke come out as if it were my last breath. I don't have much faith that it gets better from here only because I find it impossible to trust that anyone other than myself can fix it. And I finally accept that I cannot. It sounds like the rantings of a person in pain on the cusp of making better choices. It isn't. It's a person who will wait a life time for the love she chose. A sad and broken person who knows what she has hasn't been good for a while, but that the alternative isn't any better. Loneliness will consume me no matter what I do so I hold on to a tiny shred of hope that I am enough. That you will see me some day for what I am, not just what I am but what I am TO YOU. That I can finally reveal all the pain without fear that it will scare you away. Hope that instead of quitting or running you see that all I ever needed was loved, held, protected from the loneliness even if you are literally protecting me from yourself. It's the last hope I have and I can only wait in pain to see if it's worth holding.

Saturday, September 29, 2018

My thoughts on periods.....yes....periods

Life seems to be run in a multitude of intertwined cycles. Patterns we are blessed or cursed to repeat  that overlap each other as if to distract you from getting ahead of the other. The bills come at a certain point while perhaps not the same timing as your paycheck, school starts and pools close while the pattern of the weather hasn't made its full seasonal shift. It can either be overwhelming or perhaps embraced. I personally seldom find moments to embrace something that causes me such chaos.
       Some of these cycles we've stigmatized in a way to write off their importance. The full moon theory where everyone acts a bit different is treated almost as if it were some sort of myth. While I'm no educated scholar on sociology, psychology or astronomy I have to disagree. I seem to have a strong connection to the idea that this could have scientific evidence to back up the theory.
            Certainly more typically written off is the female cycle. I'm willing to bet I even lost 2 of the 4 people that may read this by even mentioning it. Regardless of your discomfort, I choose to continue for the sake of every crazy bitch out there who deserves not to feel crazy. The average woman holds a multitude of roles in life. Creating an endless maze of these different overlapping cycles and responsibilities. The emotional expectation alone is a weight few of us have the strength to bare every day of the month. It builds and festers each time we compromise our happiness. It gets heavier the more feelings we choose to suppress. It boils and burns inside while we stay in the level headed state of mind we are forced to maintain in order to succeed at all of our many jobs/roles/responsibilities. And then a dramatic bloody overflow of all the emotional burden comes and washes it all away. We're told we're irrational, we're disregarded as if our minds and bodies truly don't exist while we spend 3-7 days in this enlightened state of experiencing everything we've held in for the last 28 days. Everything has a tipping point. Women seem to be amazingly programmed with a distinct time to unload the overburden of life on a regular cycle.
            I don't pretend to fully understand the emotional state of the opposite sex. Men have been regarded for quite some time, if not forever, as the strong and steady gender. The stoic and hardened rock of the home. They are thought to rarely feel the urge to cry, to not overthink or act in emotion. Over time I think some of them have their own sort of programming flaw, not designed by nature but by skewed social standards. To feel is to be shamed. This isn't sustainable and nature doesn't seem to have built in way to fight such densely compressed emotions. There is no designated time to let out the overflow, no hormonal switch that opens that dam briefly. It's truly baffling to me and I feel such pain for those who are so emotionally blocked they can't shed a tear. I would rather bleed for a week and be told everything I feel is bullshit than never be allowed to feel at all.
              So in life's many cycles I will kick and scream. I will fight and flail, and some days i will conform. But at least in the cycle of being a female I will take pride. I will feel truly equipped with a power some aren't lucky enough to have. An electric surge of emotions I am allowed to have. A view into what happens when you're forced to tear down that wall of emotional rules.

Monday, March 19, 2018

No, I'm not okay, it's not okay, nothing is okay.....but that's okay

The pain is rooting into me, spreading like a cancer. Every part of me tied into it and being dragged down. It's hard to keep pretending I'm not falling apart or poetically spinning it to make it sound okay. Sadness is killing me. Be it literal or metaphoric, the destruction of my existence is in full progression and there's nobody left to turn to. Having tried multiple versions of myself, submissive, confident, big, small, an abundance of hair colors and clothing styles, social, antisocial, loving and withdrawn. I hate them all. There is no work to be done here, there is no exercise or therapeutic activity that can save me from this place I've fallen. And its so fucking lonely. I can't decipher reality anymore. Am I sad because you've shut me out, grown bored with me, and shoved me to the side? Is it the constant swing of being handed ALL of the love in overwhelming and illuminating abundance to being just another face in the room, invoking nothing inside of you. Or has my sadness, my pain, my loss of light to shine caused all of the love to give up on me. Searching over and over, cycling in and out only finding myself deeper and darker and sadder than i was the time before. Contemplating things we dare not speak aloud. Not for fear of being taken seriously but for fear of being laughed at. I want to reach out. I want to say "I'm not okay this time, this is not a drill", but the more I reach the further you pull away. The tighter I need held the looser your grip becomes. concerned and loving words from friends feel empty and forced, therapists aren't there when the cloud really moves in. Answers do not exist and my mind is on repeat SCREAMING over and over, "I'm so fucking sad it hurts, I'm so fucking sad it hurts!". Crying inside and spilling over to the outside at any moment I'm afforded the luxury of falling apart without inconveniencing anyone else. I just want to be held, like an inconsolable crying baby, but I can't ask to be held...because I would in fact feel like a needy, whiny, inconsolable, crying baby. Depression is lonely and anxiety is debilitating. But they're just words, diagnoses, categories to classify your pain. Naming it doesn't take it away, treating it doesn't leave you whole. Maybe some of us weren't meant to be "okay".

Monday, March 5, 2018

I wouldn't love me either

Redundant phrases and familiar fears fill me as i slip into a vortex of sadness and rage. Searching for an unrecognized scapegoat for the pain only to find myself alone in the room. my body vibrates with the electric frustration of life itself. Cold and uncomfortable I find no solace in anything that typically fills the void. I poured the wine but can't bring myself to drink, sat by the keyboard but struggled over the pointlessness of each word. Satiated only by flashes of something i repeatedly snuff out. I lash out like a child, helpless to express it all at once any other way. Frustrated and exhausted with the same old shit but still waiting longingly for the spark of perfection. There seems to be a solid reason why love is so frequently compared to a drug. What is often overlooked is the pain and withdraw when it's not available to you. The "off days" aren't just dull, they stab through every beautiful moment, tarnishing what previously shined. So tired and weak, I can barely see the point anymore. Scrutinizing over every tiny thing I do just knowing it's always wrong.  Maybe this is the end of my road. I've done all that I can do. every step I take from here on out will only lead the rest of them to the same disappointment. Where do you go when you've worn out every path. When you tried to be more fun, care about less, love better, look nicer....and in the end still feel like you've failed at them all. There is no road for me. Nobody left to turn to, nothing left to say. So tired but unable to sleep. It's these moments that seem to never end where i wish I could close my eyes and go back to a perfect moment that I just couldn't hold onto and stay. A place where i wouldn't disappoint anyone, not even myself. A place where that love isn't tarnished or bruised. Somewhere I feel alive, seen and needed. But my eyes always open and the truth is right there like a film coating them. As if filtering the whole world with a caption that says "why bother".